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A Client Story - The Power of Jikiden Reiki

Imagine, how it would feel, if you ended up in hospital every time you got excited over anything. This has been the reality for a client I recently had the opportunity to help.

My client, for the last 20 years has like clockwork, ended up in hospital on the night of their birthday, needing morphine to help with abdominal pain. Reason for the pain is every time they get excited in anticipation of something good to look forward to, they start getting severe abdominal cramps, retching and vomiting. Having consulted many medical professionals specialising from endocrinology to gastroenterology and everything in between, they were told that they had a very rare condition called Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome (CVS). The trigger was an increase in the level of serotonin which is why they were at their worst when they got excited.

My client loves birthdays, and no matter how much they try to not look forward to them, they still get excited and low and behold end up in A&E on the day with a couple of nights in hospital to follow.

When they were younger, the same would happen at Christmas and before holidays, to the point where holidays have had to be cancelled (Disney World) because they were too poorly to travel.

This year, on their birthday my client made sure they didn’t plan anything big that would cause excitement; meeting a friend for lunch and then a quiet meal with another friend in the evening. As the day went on the cramps started and by the evening meal they were not able to eat much.

This time they decided to try alternative therapy to see if it would help and contacted me to see how I could support them.

I began to give them reiki, in person. They had four one hour sessions over a period of 36 hours from when the pain began. This helped to make the pain less severe and for the first time in 20 years they avoided going to hospital and managed to deal with the pain without needing morphine.

I feel so honoured to have played a part in achieving such a milestone. It reinforced my belief in the power of Jikiden Reiki and the difference its healing can make to everyday life.

I am over the moon! For the first time in over 20 years I didn’t spend the night of my birthday in A&E. So, so grateful to have been introduce to Reshma, who not only helped with my pain but agreed to treat me out of hours to ensure I could avoid going to hospital.  I cannot recommend Reshma enough, she has the knowledge but also more importantly the empathy needed to treat people when they need it the most.


Alternative Healing

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